Miga, the clever Magpie
This website showcases the work in progress on the Miga's Secret project. Miga’s Secret is an illustrated an animated nursery rhyme, accessible through a set of seven concertina picture books and an interactive mobile application. The idea and project is initiated by Art Director and Motion Designer Monika Rohner.
Storytelling, Animation, Picture-book, Transmedia, Interaction, Interactive game elements, Nursery-Rhyme, Childern, Design, Illustration, Magpie, One for sorrow, Work in Progress, Project Development, Portfolio
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Miga, the clever Magpie

Miga is a young, female magpie who set out to explore the world from above. She’s guiding the reader through all seven loop books. Whit her exceptional look – Miga likes to wear red glasses and red scarf – you will always recognise her; even when she’s flying with her six magpie friends.

What is Miga’s secret?
After reading all seven loop books and watching the animations, you will find out that some of the rumours about Magpies are not true. Miga is a very clever and curious bird who’s not at all just stealing shiny things. You will learn that things are not as black and white as they might seem.

By the way: There are even people, such as the german ethologist Otto Koehler, who think that magpies are able to distinguish up to seven things. So it all makes sense 😉